In May of 2017 I spent a few days as Guest Artist at the Corning Museum of Glass and did demonstrations in their amphitheater hot shop. The Thursday evening of my visit was one of their epic 2300 Degrees parties. With the Museum open late, a live band and my demo being watched by a few...
A Japanese TV crew shot us today for a show called Wafu Sohonke. Lots of demos for the camera and talk about Maruko tools (with assistant Ian Whitt). The show was on TV Tokyo at 9pm on feb 23, 2017. The show features a visit with Shin Nagai who makes excellent Maruko tools and yours...

This seems like a complimentary article but my Spanish is worse than even the gibberish that Google Translate gave me. So...who can read this in Spanish?

The folks at Glass Art Magazine did a cover feature on my work earlier this year and was planning on doing another article exclusively for their subs. Well, they decided to make this second article, David Patchen: Glass for the Inquisitive Mind, available online so anyone who wants can check...

My work is featured in this book by Barbara Purchia & E. Ashley Rooney.According to the publisher (Schiffer):More than 590 brilliantly detailed photos capture the work of 112 glass artists and show the tremendous diversity, depth, and breadth of how this ancient medium is used in the twenty-...

The editors at American Art Collector Magazine are always seeking to be be a timely resource for the art world by highlighting artists in advance of their shows. I was delighted they featured me in this article announcing my show at Duncan McClellan Gallery in St. Petersberg, FL. The...
So honored to be featured in the March/April 2016 issue of Glass Art Magazine, especially since this magazine is published by my peers. There's a 6-page article that's wide-ranging covering influences, challenges, creative development, etc. The writer and I spoke for a long time and she...

This is cool :) You can view one that's more readable here.
The website Splice has an interesting article by the director of photography from the "Detailers" video (the one featuring me) on what it was like to be behind the camera while shooting in the studio. You can find the article here.

Profiled in Dec 2014/Jan 2015 issue of Western Art & Architecture magazine in the Illuminations feature; Ones To Watch. You can download a copy here.

The latest newsletter is out covering SOFA, new galleries and more. You can read it in your browser.
Coverage of my show at Union University.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Meredith May, a features editor for the San Francisco Chronicle. She was writing a piece for the Design issue of the SF Chronicle Magazine and was particularly interested in artists who got their start and made a career from their association with '...

The folks at Olivari Olive Oil have a documentary series that "profile unique folks who obsess over their craft and believe in carrying on a tradition of detail and care." I was honored to be chosen as the subject of a video. You can watch it here.

I was interviewed a few weeks ago for a feature in this cool new online arts magazine. The interview is here: Creating Linus Feature

Almost exactly a year ago my work was featured on the art site Today, out of the 2,156 artists ever featured over the years, I'm currently ranked 7th! You can give me 5 stars here and see if your vote can move my work up the rankings :)

I was recently contacted by the Centro Studi del Vetro (Glass Study Center) library in Venice, Italy to add my book to their permanent collection. According to their website:"The Giorgio Cini Foundation has set up a dedicated Study Centre with a specialised library in...

I was interviewed by the Nashville Arts Magazine a couple months ago and here's the result. :)Click for the full story on their site:

I was recently interviewed by The Bold Italic, a popular magazine and site focused on San Francisco arts & culture. It's part of their series called "Found Locals" which feature different San Franciscans who they deem do something interesting. The interview is on their site here.

A while ago I received a call from a book publisher in Germany asking permission for my name to be used in a book about hand-painted porcelain. As this request was both random and mysterious I asked for more information and learned that Keiko Shimizu, an internationally-recognized...

Occasionally I have visitors in the studio to observe glassblowing. Visitors have ranged from collectors to gallery salespeople to a local art school class. But a couple months ago I was asked to participate in a shoot for Adobe where their photographer would be shooting both stills and...

A month or so ago, the folks from American Craft came to Public Glass (where my studio is located) for a photo shoot. The focus of the shoot was to highlight the work of the artists and designers (mostly clothing) who show in their retail shows, using the glass studio as a backdrop. (I...

I chatted with Monca Moses, the editor in chief of American Craft Magazine over an hour or so about a wide range of topics. It started as an overview of my background in glass but quickly got into more interesting and timely areas including the evolution of my work through Bloom, the role of...